Drag / Over / Drop - navigation HELP!

Hi guys

I’m trying to create a different kind of navigation on a new website. I want the user of the website to interact with the website for navigation!

I made a camera, and some “movies” (se the linked .fla below). The movies are lying on the stage, and the user has to pick up a movie (onPress --> startDrag) and put it in the camera (onRelease --> stopDrag) and then the website changes the content…

The onRollOver doesn’t seem to work when dragging the movie over the cam. I want it to open and be ready to recieve a movie. Furthermore I want the cam to play a third clip when you release the movie over it (see the cam_mc movieclip).

Please tjeck out the .fla (MX2004) http://plusidentity.dk/menu_test.fla

Hope someone can help me out here… thanks :slight_smile:
