I have set up my website pages to open within a movie clip because I am using transitions between the pages. I am trying to do a simple drag and drop funtion, where the correct droptarget will gotoandplay a frame label withing the draggable movie clip. It’s easy enough to do when it’s not inside a movieclip already. I guess I’m not writing in the paths correctly. Anyways the .FLA’s attached should show what I’m talking about. The circle is supposed to be draggable and shake when dropped in the square, and it is also supposed to load in another movie, triangle. I’d really appreciate any assistance. This has held me up all weekend.
Maybe I’m trying to do something that can’t be done. I can get it to work before I put it in my movieclip. let me know if I’m not explaining it well.
is there a script that you can apply to the droptarget itself to detect the proper movieClip being dropped on it? Somebody?
a solution was found. to view it go here.