Draggable Menu

I want to have a navigational pop up menu and be able to drag it around and drop it anywhere in my flash movie. I have figured out how to drag and drop it and even define a certain hit area for it, but I cannot figure out how to create links inside of the pop up menu, it won’t let me click on anything I put inside of it. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

do you have an .fla?

This is a quick example of what I’m trying to do. The buttons in the menu are set to turn red when you rollover them, but nothing happens when I rollover them. Thanks.

delete the code you have on the MC, and put this on the time line:

dragMovie = new Object();
dragMovie.onMouseDown = function() {
dropMovie = new Object();
dropMovie.onMouseUp = function() {

That’s definetly closer than I was. But I don’t want to be able to click anywhere on the screen to drag that movie clip. I only want to be able to grab the top bar of the movie clip to drag. Thanks

doh, haha here…tested and fixed:

dragMovie = new Object();
dragMovie.onMouseDown = function() {
	if(movie.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) {
dropMovie = new Object();
dropMovie.onMouseUp = function() {

Thanks. Also found another way to do it.

Thank you very much for this bit of code it was a big help