Drawing and Design Resource

Soulty and I were talking about making a resource for drawing and design about all the shortcuts and what have you in Photoshop and other graphics apps.
We thought it’d be a good idea to compile a list of keyboard shortcuts and the like with a short discription associated with each. So if any of the mods here know any shortcuts to any of the big name apps please post them up here and I will compile the list in a more readable format and sticky post it in D & D.

I’ll post all that I know in the morning, but if anyone wants to post in the mean time that’d be great.

We were also wondering if anyone cared either way if we left the thread open in D & D for users to post what they know and we could append it to the list, or if we should just lock it and do it ourselves.

Thanks doods and doodsetteses. :slight_smile: