I am making a movie clip and want to draw lines from one movie clip to another to make it look like connectors on a flowchart. How do I use the returned values using a getbounds() method to draw a line from movie clip A to movie clip B.
Can some one show an illustration explaining how the xMin, xMax, yMin and yMax values translate to finding the 4 corners of a rectangular movieclip. Can I use these values to draw lines from the movieclip using lineto(). If so how do I do that?
hm ok. this is the exact information i need. i’m drawing a line from one circle (mainCircle_mc) to one that has random movement.
Now here’s the problem: how do I delete the line so that when it’s redrawn I don’t have a million lines?
Have a look for clear()
is it a prebuilt method already in AS or do I have to make it? If I have to build it, I really have no idea where to start.
It’s a prebuilt:)
Have a look at the example fla
thanks. i’ll look at it later tonight.
I looked at this and tried to get it to work. I’m having a little trouble yet. If someone could take a look at my code and see why the line isn’t drawn to the smaller cirlce that’d be great.