I have this script that is drawing me some nice curvy thingys around my mouse.
It works great (so far of what I have made) but over a few seconds it gets laggy drawing more than 10 lines at a time.
I only have 4 arrays (current X and Y, previous X and Y properties). Each frame flash shifts my current properties to previous and works out the new current X and Y. Then it draws a line between the two. OK, so it isnt extending any variables or having to do more calculations each new frame.
So why does it lagggg after a few seconds of drawing 10+ lines? The only thing I can put it down to is drawing the new lines over the old lines. But it is only having to draw like 20 lines a frame, it does not have to redraw the old ones. So why is it lagging?! Changing the alpha properties from 10% to 100% makes no difference. Please help its really annoying and is stopping my progress.
Would it be better if instead it drew up to say 20 old lines + the new lines each frame then lost any lines older than 20. This would make massive arrays with more than like 10 lines at a time and I guess would never change fps but would like always be laggy.
Thanks for the help,