
Is it just me, or is it that dreamer has started 3 threads involving promoting his “designer’s hub” on a forum a little tacky?

I haven’t seen him help anyone out here, yet he is advertising his “award.”

Just curious if I am being hypercritical (yes, it does happen :slight_smile: )…



Well the site check section is ok… but if he’s doing it elsewhere, and it’s blatent, then a gentle nudge stating that he’s “pushing it” might be advisable.

It is always (except for a little in SOTW at first). Just seems kind of like a leach… trolling a Flash forum to give awards which allow him to link to the sites of good designers…

but as I say, I am jaded about awards sites.


I’ll have to take a look at his post record.

[edit] ask is okay, from all I can see [/edit]

dreamer has done nothing but promote himself since day 1. I can’t even find a question he has asked…


well . . let’s give them both some time. It’s never easy coming into a new community as all of you well know. It might just be initial jitters.

Dreamer: He posted a thread in the site check section asking for submissions for his award. He doesn’t really advertise his site exactly (although it is), but he has people submit sites to get the designers hub award, which then attracts hits to their sites. And he has Kirupa listed as a “sponsor” on his site, so that gets Kirupa massive hits as well. So I allow it in site check section. But I don’t think it should move out of there.

as for Ask… yeah hes cool. He is just looking for someone to share the cost of a server with him. I talked to him about it a while ago and he isn’t making profit off of it, he is splitting the cost of the server with X amount of people and then he is going to divide everything they get evenly.

edit on the ask thing…

Oh, I just checked out his link. It is different than the one he showed me like 2 months ago. Now he is looking for people to buy space.

Eh, I say allow it. If it helps people find server space, then go ahead. He is a friend of Dans anyway.

Rev, Dreamer has made a new one, but requested that I delete the old ones so that’s what I did. So there should be only one thread for his Designer’s Hub.

Ask is probably one of the best back end scripters I have ever known. I invited him here a while ago, but he has been a little busy to help every day. . . .

Yeah Ask is cool. I think he has a tutorial on Kirupas site…

thanks EG - I’ll let you keep an eye on him…

I would feel better if he actually asked/answered a question, or posted some of his work tho, rather than just using the forum as free advertising for his awards site.



By the way, ask also won site of the week a month or two ago! I guess that gives him a little more free space to post more random posts that other new users that don’t interact with the site. Glad to see David and Phil back to normal!

dan is so happy that puts on his tux and cowboy hat

:cowboy: + :tie: =





There are more. Those are some of ASKs contributions. :slight_smile: