This started happening to me like 2-3 days ago. Never happened before, but happens now. Whenever I preview a page in Dreamweaver (MX and MX04 on XP) using Internet Explorer (primary browser as defined in DW), IF no other IE window is open, when DW tries to launch the page, IE never opens and DW locks up. It works fine with other browsers like Firefox and works if another IE window is open, but it locks up when DW tries to launch IE on its own. The only thing I can think of is something a recent Windows Update might have done to cause this.
I tried a quick search on google and couldnt find anything. Anyone else experience this? :ne: its really annoying
what I had to do when I had this problem was go into the msconfig (from run menu) stop and restart index servicing. That was the fix MM gave me when I called them. Before you format I would call them and see what can be done. Also try their newsgroup. But that fixed my problem.
For some reason on my XP. If I did not use indexing the f12 feature did not work at all. Let me know how you fix it when you find out. I use DW alot and I may have this problem on the horizon.
I pretty much turned off indexing as soon as I set this computer up, and its worked fine before, so I dont think thats the culprit… unless some other monkey wrench got thrown in that direction and is screwing things up there.
You know what… Computers are really starting to annoy me lately. Why cant they just WORK RIGHT???
It happened to me before Sen. Numerous times now, its a regular thing now. I dont know for you or you other guys but my DW is slow at loading windows and so forth. Sometimes i use F12 or just press on the menu button, the IE window opens, it shows my website and than when I go back to DW, it locks up and I have to use task manager. I just wait until everything loaded before I start adding stuff in DW or rushing into opening other new windows via DW.