Dreamweaver, PHP, and my testing server

I have a tesing server on my comp (PHP 4.3.8 and Apache 1.3.29).
I guess my first question is, can DW parse PHP code from within its ‘design’ view? I would hope it can, but its definiatly not working for me…
Has anybody had any success with this? I have my root folder of my site at
and it works awesome through the browser, and through the ‘preview in browser’ option in DW, so its not my local server.

it doesnt do it for me, just has the little php tag where i put some code.

ahh darn it, i would’ve thought a huge app like DW would be able to do that…

There is a “live data view” option that allows you to preview the end result of server-side code directly in dreamweaver. It’s next to the view switching options (“code”, “design”, “split”) and it has an icon with a yellow lightning bolt.

If you have the site setup with a testing server enabled correctly then this will give you a live view of the site.

It’s best to test it in the browser though for more accurate results…