Drop-down menu issues

I’ve been making a valiant attempt as a noob for a fully functional flash site by working with tutorials and some knowledge I picked up in multimedia courses I took in college. Haven’t had many issues besides my drop-down menu. I followed a tutorial that embedded a few buttons into a movie symbol and the thing is functional as far as the animation is concerned, my problem is that the buttons inside of the movie do not work at all (doesn’t respond to my actionscript “on” or “getURL” commands). I’m horrible at verbalizing these things. Here’s a link to my source if it helps:


Here’s the whole site-in-progress thus far if anyone cares to rain fire and brimstone down upon my mediocre Flash skills (lol):


(the Options drop-down may change rapidly when viewing the whole site, as I am constantly toying with it)

Thanks a ton for reading!