Dropdown Problem


I’m busy creating a small cms for my personal site. In the cms i have a dropdown list with some options in but I want this list to auto update instead of hardcoded.

I have 2 problems

Problem 1:
How can I link the dropdown list to a database? For example if i have a table DROPDOWNVALUE with 5 values in. How can i let my dropdown list auto show these values. If i add an extra item to the table this also should appear in this list and must be selectable.

Problem 2:
Can I have this dropdown value to auto update to the value stored in the database products. For example. I have a dropdown with the values “flowers, animals or gifts”. If I edit a product with the value “flowers” the dropdown should be automatically select “flowers” even if this is the 3th value of the dropdownlist.


I can do some things in php and sql but this thing i didn’t figure out.
I have a small own created webshop with small cms.

I can add , edit and delete products but the dropdown is the only thing that doesn’t works :slight_smile:

what he said

DOH! you beat me by 7 minutes


I’m going to try this tomorrow, first going to sleep, tomorrow early up to catch a plane
I’ll keep you informed if i have a problem or question

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