Dull colored images in CS3

Hi everyone,

I’m working on my online portfolio and then realized once it got time for me to add the pictures that the images were dull, light, and just overall horrible looking. I’ve looked at a bunch of forum posts, most of which didn’t actually reveal a solution just a statement that flash didn’t support color profiles or something to that effect. I did notice that all these posts were from sometime between 2005-2007 so there must be some kind of solution out there by now that I’m just not aware of.

So I’ve tried exporting from photoshop as a jpeg and a png both through “save as” and “save for web devices”. I’ve tried changing the color settings to sRGB IEC61966-2.1 and set RGB to “convert to working RGB”. I’ve tried turning off the assigned profiles in photoshop. I’ve tried dragging the picture from photoshop or illustrator directly into Flash. I’ve tried changing the jpeg quality in “publish settings” to 100% in Flash. I’ve tried right clicking on the image in the library and changing its settings. I’ve tried adding script like “stage.colorCorrection…” into my file.

Nothing has worked and I am at a loss. I haven’t found any other solutions in all the threads that I’ve read to try. In the past I did use an image loader to get around this problem with another site I was working on but I don’t think that’s going to work with what I want to do with this site. I really don’t know how I’m going to continue on with my site if I can’t get my images to show up right. I refuse to put bad quality images to represent my work. Please help =(. I’ll try anything at this point.
