Duplicate a movie clip in original movie clip position

I have several movie clips on the stage. They are draggable. I want to be able to drag the movie clip, then when it is dropped, a copy of that movie clip will appear where the first one had been, and the first one will just stay where it is on the screen.

However, I’m running into problems with the syntax.

Here is my current code:

public function letterStop(e:MouseEvent): void {
            if (this.dropTarget.parent is BlankSquare) { //check to see if the movie clip is being dropped over a drop spot
                e.currentTarget.x = this.dropTarget.parent.x + 10; //lock movie clip to the drop spot
                e.currentTarget.y = this.dropTarget.parent.y - 10;
                var newLetter:Letters = new Letters(); //create a new instance of the class Letters
                newLetter = e.currentTarget; //assign the new instance to the properties of the current instance
                MovieClip(this.parent).bmc.addChild(newLetter); //add child to the stage
                newLetter.x = e.currentTarget.startPoint.x; //at the correct starting points
                newLetter.y = e.currentTarget.startPoint.x;


This code obviously doesn’t even compile, I’m missing something somewhere. I want the new movie clip to be a direct copy of the old movie clip. Each movie clip has a property called startPoint which holds its point of origin so it can snap back into place. I don’t know how to spawn a copy of the original movie clip in the right place (since duplicateMovieClip no longer exists). And I’m really not sure if I’m using “this” or “e.current Target” correctly since they both trace to the same thing.

Does any of that make sense?

(PS - how do I display code properly? The “quote” button seems to make the formatting confusing.)