Duplicate MC question

I’m using a loop to duplicate a MC named MCbutton, which is all good.

for (i=1; i<=this.total; i++) {_root.MCbutton.duplicateMovieClip([“MCtest”+i], 1+i);

but why isn’t this one working??

for (i=1; i<=this.total; i++) {_root.MCbutton.duplicateMovieClip(_root.someClip[“MCtest”+i], 1+i);

Can’t i duplicate a Clip inside another Clip??


You are setting it’s name equal to the path of _root.someClip[“MCtest”+i]. The movieclip will not be copied inside _root.someClip.

Thanks for your reply, but is it possible then to duplicated inside another MC ???

You would simply have to place MCButton in _root.someClip as well. Then it can be duplicated in that movie too. I don’t know of any way to duplicate a movieclip to another movieclip, sorry.

That did the trick, thanks for your reply :slight_smile:

You’re welcome :slight_smile: