Duplicate MC

I was taking this tutorial, >>LINK<< I want to change it from,

on (click) {

Duplicate Movie clip to,

onClipEvent (Load) {

That way once it load’s it will duplicate the circle MC a random number of times (I need help with that part as well)

This circle MC is inside of another MC so it wouldnt be _root i want it to goto, it would be t_mc that I want it to look for it in.

So in the t_mc MC I put this code,

onClipEvent (load) {
	i = i + 1;
	duplicateMovieClip (t_mc.circle, "circle" + i, i);

and on the circle, I put this code,

onClipEvent (load) {
   scale = (random(100) + 50)

   this._x = random(250);
   this._y = random(150);
   this._alpha = random(100);
   this._xscale = scale;
   this._yscale = scale;

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? I am a real N00b to this actionscript stuff.

I have Flash MX if that helps any.