Ok. I’ve searched on Google for about an hour straight and I can’t find anything about this.
Let’s say I have a movie clip, box_mc for instance. Inside of box_mc I have four other movie clips called 1_mc, 2_mc, 3_mc, 4_mc (these aren’t the names I’m using , just for example). Let’s also say that those four movie clips onClipEvent(load) become invisible (_visible = 0).
Now, let’s say I have a button, and that button will make a random one of those four movie clips appear. So, the code generates a random number 1-4, and then makes _root.box_mc.randomNumber_mc._visible = 1, and all the others _visible = 0.
Let’s say I then DUPLICATE (duplicateMovieClip()) box_mc. So now I have a new box_mc called box2_mc.
I know in order to change the position of box2_mc, I have to refer to it with brackets, like this:
_root[box2_mc]._x = 200;
But… how, using array notation, do I control the visibilities of the four movie clips inside of box2_mc???
I’ve tried _root[box2_mc.1_mc]._visible = 1;
_root[box2_mc][1_mc]._visible = 1;
and all sorts of other combinations, and I just can’t figure out how to do this. Is there something I’m missing???
Thanks ahead of time for any help.