This is my problem, sorry if I don’t explain it too well because I’m not entirely sure how to explain it.
I’m trying to create a whole big grid of circles, where the edge of each “quadrent” or whatever you want to call it (12, 3, 6, 9 oclock) touches the other at the cooresponding part. Here, I’ll try to explain using letters… lol
I need the o’s to be touching on ever side.
I have it positioned so that the top left of the imaginary square around the circle is at (0,0)… (0,0) is the top left right? I think that’s how flash does it anyway.
Well the circle is 10 by 10 and I want the “circle grid” to be like 60 by 25 circles or so.
I really have no idea how to do this. I took a look at the duplicate movie clip tutorial and it confused the bajeezus outta me, well it didnt so much confuse me, I just couldn’t figure out how to apply it.
hey jubba, sorry I’m not getting this
here’s the fla… I’m not entirely sure whats wrong
its mostly working except for this wierd little section that is blank
no clue how to fix that
I was all inspired-like by ahmeds signature, so i decided to try to make something… i did part of it on my own, which im proud of
I can’t wait to start tweeking it and doin fun stuff to it.