DuplicateMovie motion trail effect?

I am trying to get a motion trail effect(mouse trail) but instead of on mouse move i want to duplicate the effect based upon any change in the _x or
_y position of a parent clip. I hope that is clear … example … I have a draggable box on the main timeline and when it is dragged across the screen
i want it to leave a trail but not a trail of boxes like a mouse trail but a trail of
a different clip to simulate streaks or noise left behind the box. And I dont want the duplicated trailing clips to have any easing for I would like them to stay where they were created and then fade away or remove themselves over a period of time or certain # of clips and not try and catch up with the _x or _y of the box as it is being dragged.

If you made it thru that without wanting to shoot me then maybe you could give some much needed help :smiley:

Thanks in advance … and sorry if that made no sense at all !!!