duplicateMovieClip Issues

Okay, so what I want is a set of 5 boxes.
I want these boxes arranged 2 per row, so there should be 3 rows in total with the last row only having 1 box in it.

  [  ]   [  ]
  [  ]   [  ]
  [  ]

Exactly like the above example.

Now I’m doing this by duplicating the 1 mc 5 times, here is my code:

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
        var i = 1
        var ctr = 1
        while (i < 5) {
                if (ctr = 1) {
                        mctemp = _root.picture1.duplicateMovieClip(i, i);
                        mctemp._x = 300;
                        ctr = 2;
                else {
                        mctemp = _root.picture1.duplicateMovieClip(i, i);
                        mctemp._x = 43;
                        mctemp._y = 100;
                        ctr = 1;

And all I get is out put is the first row of boxes…


  [  ]  [  ]

and no more. Can anyone see the error in my code?

Thanks in advance guys,