I’m creating a 5x5 matrix with 25 movieclips of w:22px h:22px.
the first movieclip wich is called c1_mc and is part of a movieclip called grid.
I’m using following code to make the complete grid:
var lineWidth : Number = 22;
var columnHeight : Number = 0;
var mc : MovieClip;
for (var i : Number = 2; i <= 25 ; i++) {
mc = c1_mc.duplicateMovieClip("c" + i + "_mc",i);
lineWidth += 22;
if (lineWidth >= mc.parent.width) {
columnHeight += 22;
lineWidth = 0;
mc.move(mc.x + lineWidth,mc.y+columnHeight);
} else {
mc.move(mc.x + lineWidth,mc.y+columnHeight);
But i’m getting following error:
Error #1006: duplicateMovieClip is not a function.
What could be the problem?
Best regards