duplicateMovieClip problems

Ok I am dup a movie clip a few times with a if statment, using a var (i). I have this part working fine, but my problem now that I seem to encounter is that I am trying to access the movieClips using another var (j). Here is my code so that you can understand what I am doing.

_global.i = 99;
_global.j = 80;
addMovie = function () {
	if (_global.i>=80) {
		Chris_mc.duplicateMovieClip("Chris"+_global.i+"_mc", i);
		with (eval("Chris"+_global.i+"_mc")) {
			do something;
		trace("i = "+_global.i);
	} else if(_global.i<=80) {

What I want done I want it to make those movieClips, but when its done I want it to remove them. My problem is this “trace(_level10.eval(“Chris”+_global.j+”_mc"));" it comes up “undefined” and I dont know why…