Duplicating a movieclip

Simple movie clip and I am trying to duplicate it a few hundreds times. So it appears on various parts of the stage.

Anyone know the code?




(Hint: In the window in the upper right corner of the Kirupa site if you type in what you are looking for in terms of a tutorial it will take you to the available options. All I did was type in duplicateMovieClip in order to come up with this. Although the tutorial heading says Flash MX2004, this also works in Flash 8.)

[QUOTE=g27;2348532]Simple movie clip and I am trying to duplicate it a few hundreds times. So it appears on various parts of the stage.

Anyone know the code?



Thanks mate

You’re welcome.

[QUOTE=g27;2348563]Thanks mate[/QUOTE]

Or if you’re using an earlier version of Flash… maybe this will help:
