Duplicating MCs/Dragging to new spots

Hey guys,
Im trying to make a furniture dragging utility on these floor plans and i’m kind of stuck. I will have more than one piece of furniture (if u look in the library there is more) that i want to drag instances of from spots on the right onto the floor plan. the problem i’m having is that my dragging functions arent working/duplicating the clips properly. after the clips has been dragged on to the floor plan (duplicated and dragged there), it needs to still be draggable so if they decide to move it they can drag the duplicated instance anywhere they want it. the right side is like a “key” lets say, of available furniture and by clicking and dragging one out it puts it on the floor plan but the default instance still stays on the right.

i will also be adding a rotate function later for the dragged out furniture, so any comments you can put in the code would help so i can figure stuff out later where is houdl be putting the rotation code. i’d appreciate it if someone could take a look at it and see if they can help me out. the file is in flash mx format.


thanks a ton!