I tried ur code. Works nice, but I need to create or delete the box’s. bascally, I want to add or minus boxes and be able to position in a room.
When i try it, it replicates just once .
is this the right usage?..
here’s the basics …
Imagine an overview of a room. I want to add objects in the room, ie tables, sofa’s etc.
there will be a + or - button for all objects in the room, to add more or delete the number of objects.
All objects, tables sofa’s etc need to be able to drop & drag where u like in the room.
I have the action to make the room whatever size needed, and drop & drag onto an object, but this is hurting my noodle a bit. I am trying to create a virtual room.
I want to upload this once done, as i think it will benefit a lotta ppl like me.
Thanks, thats a A much better way to do it… like i said ima bit of a flash doofus.
I got the duplicate & drag nice jus then, minus still to come, but ur idea is a much better method. So yeah, have a box of objects, which u can drag into a floorplan, to be able visualize, say what a function would look like… Ie “I have 100 guests, my room is 20m x 10m , therefore if i drag in 10 tables (to scale) and 3 sofas i can visualize the room space”
sorry i’m confused but i’ll see if i can make the way i said before, and we’ll make changes after that alright? oh yea btw, do you want a fixed number of objects you can drag? so like maximum 3 sofas until they’re all used up?
Hi Blah,
Sorry 2 confuse u…
U r pretty much have the concept correct.
So, we have a box (room) on the left… On the right we have a “store” box of draggable-addon items ( with table/sofa/stage etc).
We want to drag a sofa from our 'store" onto our “room” so we can get a visual reference of “virtual space”
I think the idea of "only a few amount of certain items (like sof’s) would be an advantage, but not on all items.
Thanks m8!
If I can give u any skills I have let me know, ie 3d etc…
I 2 am afk 4 a few hrs, so any reply would be gr8!. grab my email @ ur leisure if needed…
Oh well here it is, it was harder than i expected :-\ So then i had to get help from other people from this board, and lots of the code was thanks to kax
anyways, heres your code. The getbounds thing sorta works and sorta doesn’t, but i’m too sleepy so i’ll just post the fla now.
hey Thanks A Bunch Blah & Kax …
okies, I have a similar working, but mine is on press, not bounds. This is gonna go a long way, so i will post it up as a tute in a few weeks when finished.