Duplicating one animation to many movie clips

Hi everybody
I’m pretty new to the forum and i hope you guys can help.
I’d doing this very simple world map for work flash. I already traced a bitmap into vectors and created over 50 movie clip instances with the country names on them.

Currently i’m in actionscript trying to create a simple rollover animation (dynamically or with keyframes) that would apply to all the clips on rollover. Another one that would apply on rollout. Another one once a country is clicked. Once one country is clicked no other countries can be clicked and it goes to a URL in a new window.

So far i have an array with the movie clip names (of the countries). There is a loop that loops through the array length and has the onrollover, on rollout and onpress states (right now all it does is change color on all 3 of them).

If someone can help me with writing a good resize function and a good flicker function that works with the loop and\or suggest a better way of doing the whole thing I’d appreciate it a lot .
(the best result would be that onrollover - the country movie clip changes color gradually and increases to about 120% size also gradually. Returns to its original state on rollout. and flickers a bit onrelease and changes to another color gradually. I got as far as doing it without animating anything. I know it has something to do with using onEnterFrame but since i have so many movie clips i want to save proccessing power and increase efficiency.)

Thank you ahead of time