DVD- or DVD+?


I’m planning to buy a DVD writer… or maybe I’ll wait 'till the dual layer writer comes out… anyway, my question is, what is the real difference between DVD- and DVD+ discs? Is there going to be a standard one day or is this the solution “they” came up with?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but are movies on orginal DVDs (you know, the ones you buy in a shop) DVD-?

:crazy: Thanks!

Go go dual format. When the dual layer disks come out, there should be firmware updates for older DVD burners that will let them write the dual layers. I can’t remember where I read that, I’ll try to find the link and post it.

Yeah, that’s true. Just imagine it, double the current capacity of 4.7 GBs…9.4 GBs

Two decent looking movies on one DVD.