Hi, I’m having a problem with dynamically giving actions to buttons. This code, contained within another button, calls the function(s):
on (press) {
The initSection() function is called, which in turn calls the setButtonActions() function 9 times. Each time, it attaches a movie clip from the library (faces1, faces2, etc.), giving it the same _x and _y as a corresponding box (9 boxes, with instance names dotbox1, dotbox2, etc. The boxes are permanently in a nice little grid, used as outlines).
Each time, it gives the button within each of the attached movie clips an onPress function (_root[kind + j].button.onPress = …) to startDrag (_root[kind + j]);. What I want to have happen is that it will start a drag of it’s movie clip on the main timeline.
However, what happens is that when I press on any button, it starts dragging the last dynamically attached movie clip. I think this is happening because it looks for _root[kind + j], but using the most recent value of j (the previous, and final, time the setButtonActions() function was called, instead of the value of j when it’s actions were being set. Therefore, it uses j = 9 (since that was the value of j the last time setButtonActions() was called), and drags _root.faces9. Does anyone know how to work around this? I’ve already tried replacing _root[kind + j] with _parent, but this seems to drag everything on the stage. The code is below, set in the actions of the frame.
stop ();
function initSection (section) {
k = 2000;
partName = new Array ();
dotbox = new Array ();
for (i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
_root.attachMovie (section + i, section + i, k);
partName* = eval (section + i);
dotbox* = eval ("dotbox" + i);
_root.partName*._x = _root.dotbox*._x;
_root.partName*._y = _root.dotbox*._y;
setButtonActions (section, i);
// end of for
// End of the function
function setButtonActions (kind, numOfClipToSet) {
j = numOfClipToSet;
_root[kind + j].button.onPress = function () {
startDrag (_root[kind + j]);
_root[kind + j].button.onRelease = function () {
stopDrag ();
_root[kind + j].button.onReleaseOutside = function () {
stopDrag ();
I also was hoping to keep setButtonActions() a seperate function, because I need to call it later on for other purposes.