Hi, i would like to know if is possible to Dynamic edit a crontab file from php, if it’s possible can someone tell me how? i searched for this info about 2 days and never got an accuarate answer.
how i’m supposed to give apache access to get the crontab file?
what url i’m supposed to put in the php scrip to open it?
yes, it’s possible. The crontab file is simply a *nix text file; if you can handle serial access files it shouldn’t post that big of a problem. Just don’t forget to issue a system command to update the Cron file (crontab file_containing_new_info)
Well, um, something like this. Just keep CWD in mind and make sure you do a chown and chmod of the php file and the directory you want to edit so that apache has read/write/execute (7) rights.