Dynamic dbase and flash

I am making a website for a company that sells many products on ebay as well as through their sites. What I want to do is create a way for the owner to enter (somewhere) a list of his new ebay URLs and then for those URLs to be able to show up on the website. I will also have him enter the days that there are in the auction and then on the day after the last day, the link will be erased from the site. Any ideas on the best way to approach this?



An XML configuration file might be an easy solution. You could rig it up something like:

<auction ebayid=“1234” url="" start-date="" end-date="" />

You could go crazy with the attributes if you want.

Assuming your client could handle editing an XML file manually (or, you could rig up a small GUI for your client to work with), that might be a quick solution.

what kind of programming would be neccessary to create the gui and how in depth knowledge would I need to code the xml?

