I know that these issues have probably been discussed before, but I’ll try anyway, since I have some minor problems.
**1.**I have been able to fill an array in flash with images that lies in a certain folder on my server, with the use of PHP, and this is the code:
$dir = opendir("images/");
while ($file = readdir($dir)) {
if ($file=="." or $file=="..") continue;
$string.= $file;
$string.= ", ";
echo "imgList=".$string;
I will catch the array in flash with this AS-code:
lv = new LoadVars();
lv.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
pArray = this.imgList.split(", ");
else {
trace("could not load file");
*It works fine, except for one thing, when I first visit my site, the array is empty, it takes some surfing time on the site before the arrays start to work.
I have found out that I get this message when I trace the path:*
Error opening URL “http://www.mysite.com/mysite/image.jpg”
- Do u think it’s due to the server itself or the PHP ?*
**2.***I get the images through the array on my site, now I wonder how I can create a dynamic image thumbnail scroller, the kind that moves the list with thumbnails to the left when the cursor enters the right side of the thumbnail row. This have been discussed before, but it always seem to require an xml-file, which I don’t use (to be honest, because I can’t see the benefit of it :s: )
The problem is that all the thumbnails has to be dynamicly loaded into the “slideshow”, i.e. read from the array and placed with a correct size, 40x40…
I would really appreciate some help here, have been working on my site for ages now, want to publish it soon!
Thanx dudes…
/henrik, sweden
ps.can Scotty step in and save the day for a person in need once again?.ds.