I have an MS Acces Database, i using flash and asp.
My client using a CMS where he can put quicktime movies and images.
The client dont have Flash!!!
Do any body have any idea or example how i can put this dynamic in flash!??
I have an MS Acces Database, i using flash and asp.
My client using a CMS where he can put quicktime movies and images.
The client dont have Flash!!!
Do any body have any idea or example how i can put this dynamic in flash!??
Any suggestions??
Who have experience with asp turbine?
Could you elaborate a bit on what you need?
Flash MX lets you dynamically load images and video at runtime, so you can set up the swf in a manner that it/the buttons pull out description/image and url and other stuff from the db
What a CMS?
No idea how ASPTurbine works, with MX you don’t really need it…
Whay you saying is exact what i need…
This is my situation:
Scripting: asp
Database: Access
Flash version : Mx
Here is a printscreen: www.tutchfor.nl/wgf/images/jinglemedia.gif
Do you have an example?
Ah, Netherlands? or Belgium?..
An example of what please?
Problem is, i never used ASP, just PHP…
MX includes in the tutorials a fla for a slide show which loads images, that might help…
Nice site there, what is it you wanna load, the imgs at bottom? And how do they get loaded, button?
I’d need more details about the project/layout/specs…
What do you know about loading quicktime movies in flash MX?
C’mon, precise questions == good answers…
loading external quicktime movies in an excisting swf, is that possible? and so yes how?
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