Dynamic Menu Help

I’m somewhat new to actionscripting, and I’m having several problems creating a dynamic XML driven menu. There are two problems. The informations being grabbed from the arrays are not working properly. Second, the drop-down is not functioning correctly.

For some reason I am not able to upload files greater than 74 kb, so I am going to attempt to explain the code below.

Menu Array
The array “headers” is the actual text that will be displayed, the array “varnames” are the names of each of the arrays below it so I can call those arrays.

var headers = ["PORTFOLIO", "ABOUT 5DPI", "FORUMS", "JOBS", "CONTACT US"];
    var varnames = ["portfolio", "about", "forums", "jobs", "contact"];
    var portfolio = ["WEB", "PRINT", "PHOTOGRAPHY", "MISC"];
    var about = ["WHAT WE DO", "LOCATION"];
    var forums = ["TUTORIALS", "ART GALLERIES", "GENERAL"];
    var jobs = ["APPLY"];
    var contact = ["QUOTES", "INQUIRY"];
    var array_count = [4, 2, 3, 1, 2];

Below, I have 3 important movieclips being used to create the menu. These are “title_mc”, “button_info”, and “hover_button”.

for(var k:Number = 0; k < 5; k++)
        //creates several "title_mc" movieclips
        attachMovie("title_mc", "title_mc" + k, k + 100);
        //var  select:MovieClip  = eval("title_mc" + k);
        attachMovie("arrow", "arrow" + k, k-6);
        _root["arrow" + k]._x = 15 + 98*k;
        _root["arrow" + k]._y = 51;
        //incremental x-distance for titles
        _root["title_mc" + k]._x = 50 + 98*k;
        _root["title_mc" + k]._y = 50;
        _root["title_mc" + k].title.text = headers[k];
        _root["title_mc" + k].shadow.text = headers[k];
        //target distances of "hover_button" movieclips
        var targety:Number = getProperty("title_mc" + k, _y) + 13;
        var targety_text:Number = getProperty("title_mc" + k, _y) + 7;
        var n:Number = array_count[k];
        for(var i:Number = 0; i < n; i++)
            //creates text information on drop-down buttons
            attachMovie("button_info", "button_info" + i, i + 50);
            //gets position of "title_mc" movieclips generated above
            _root["button_info" + i]._x = getProperty("title_mc" + k, _x) - 27;
            _root["button_info" + i]._y = getProperty("title_mc" + k, _y) - 6;
            _root["button_info" + i]._alpha = 0;
            //calling respective arrays below
            if(varnames[k] == "portfolio")    {
            _root["button_info" + i].links.text = portfolio*;
            else if (varnames[k] == "about") {
            _root["button_info" + i].links.text = about*;
            else if (varnames[k] == "forums") {
            _root["button_info" + i].links.text = forums*;
            else if (varnames[k] == "jobs") {
            _root["button_info" + i].links.text = jobs*;
            else if (varnames[k] == "contact") {
            _root["button_info" + i].links.text = contact*;
            //creates button background for drop-down buttons
            attachMovie("hover_btn", "hover_btn" + i, i);
            _root["hover_btn" + i]._x = getProperty("title_mc" + k, _x) + 8;
            _root["hover_btn" + i]._y = getProperty("title_mc" + k, _y);
            _root["hover_btn" + i]._alpha = 0;
        _root["title_mc" + k].onPress = function()
            onEnterFrame = function()
                for(var j:Number = 0; j < n; j++)
                //absolute value of distance between mouse and button
                var dx2:Number = Math.abs(_root["hover_btn" + j]._x - _xmouse);
                var dy2:Number = Math.abs(_root["hover_btn" + j]._y - _ymouse); 
                    //check to see if mouse is over button and if button is at final position
                    if (dx2 <= 36 && dy2 <= 5 && Math.abs(targety + j*11 - _root["hover_btn" + j]._y) < 1)
                    _root["hover_btn" + j]._alpha = 100;
                    _root["hover_btn" + j]._alpha = 0;
                _root["button_info" + j]._alpha += 10;

                //easing motion of menu below
                var dy:Number = targety + j*11 - _root["hover_btn" + j]._y;
                var dy_text:Number = targety_text + j*11 - _root["button_info" + j]._y;
                vy = dy * easing;
                vy_text = dy_text * easing;
                    if(Math.abs(targety + j*11 - _root["hover_btn" + j]._y) < 1)
                    _root["hover_btn" + j]._y = targety + j*11;
                    _root["button_info" + j]._y = targety_text + j*11;
                    _root["hover_btn" + j]._y = _root["hover_btn" + j]._y + vy;
                    _root["button_info" + j]._y = _root["button_info" + j]._y + vy_text;

if anyone decides to look into this and wants the FLA file, they can IM me at ne148on/ MSN me at [email protected]

Thanks a bunch,