Hi Hank,
In response to your question after the last thread Most of what I have learned I have learned by viewing this forum or just trying stuff out, people are usually willing to help out. As for creating navigation buttons with the values from an XML list, it’s not that different from what you did before.
Try it one step at a time.
create and XML file with an attribute name =“button name” and the value as the URL and repeat for each button you will have in your flash file. e.g.
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“iso-8859-1”?>
<option name=“Button 1” value="<A href=“http://www.mysite.com”/">www.mysite.com"/>
<option name=“Button 2” value="<A href=“http://www.yoursite.com”/">www.yoursite.com"/>
<option name=“Button 3” value="<A href=“http://www.thissite.com”/">www.thissite.com"/>
In your flash file create a movie clip give it an identifier in the linkage properties box.
In that movie clip create a button.
Inside that button create a dynamic text field and give it a variable name.
In the main timeline create your actions and loop through the XML data just like you did in the previous post
loop through the total number of elements in the XML file and
creating an empty movie clip an attach the movie clip with the identifier name
pass the attribute name to the text field in the movie clip
pass the url value to a variable in the movie.
set the _x and _y positions
if the buttons are to fall one under this is what you do. set a variable called y_pos with a value 0 the _y position of each button movie clip is equal to the current value of the y_pos plus the movie clip height. You could also add another value to server as a space between the movie clips.
e.g y_pos += (clip_height);
movieclip_y = y_pos;
One more thing…
create a function for the button to call that tries to get a url when it is clicked, and you will pass the url value of the xml file to that function.
phew… hope that can get you started Hank… let us know if you have any problems…or if there is something you don’t understand…