Dynamic movieclip name into AS3

in AS2 I often give a certain mc a new value such as myMC.moveSpeed. Now how do I do the same thing in AS3? I thought of directly creating a new variable in the stage, but what I need is to create the same variable to 10 mcs: mc_1, mc_2, mc_3(created those dynamically)

Hi, I’m new to AS3 and I’ve been doing AS2 for a long time without using OOP or Classes, so I’m finding it really hard to convert. I have a similar problem to the above. I have created 5 movieclips and placed them all on to the stage. I have given each one a name, i.e. where OBJ is the Object, in a for loop using i as the integer…:
OBJ.name = “mov”+i;

…which works fine. However how, now, do I for example tell “mov1” to move 10 spaces from another method? Any help desperately needed. thanks