Dynamic Remote XML Loading Problem

Hi All,

I have a problem with loading externally generated XML, which seems to work fine locally…

here’s the XML code from my actionscript:-

[COLOR=green]XMLFile[/COLOR] = "http://remoteXMLGenerator.asp";
[COLOR=purple]XML_Publish[/COLOR] = [COLOR=blue]new XML();[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]XML_Publish[/COLOR].[COLOR=blue]onLoad[/COLOR] = [COLOR=red]myLoad[/COLOR];
[COLOR=blue]function[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]myLoad[/COLOR]([COLOR=darkorchid]ok[/COLOR])
 if ([COLOR=darkorchid]ok[/COLOR] == [COLOR=blue]true[/COLOR])
  traceout.[COLOR=blue]text[/COLOR] = "XML SEEMS FINE!";
  traceout.[COLOR=blue]text [/COLOR]= "problems were encountered";
[COLOR=blue]function[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Publish[/COLOR]([COLOR=purple]XMLnode[/COLOR])
 [COLOR=blue]while[/COLOR] ([COLOR=purple]XMLnode[/COLOR] != [COLOR=blue]null[/COLOR])
 {.... [COLOR=darkorange]parsing coding[/COLOR]

Not sure how to introduce a loop to continually check if the XML is loaded, or even whether I should be using [COLOR=blue]onData[/COLOR] and [COLOR=blue]data, [/COLOR][COLOR=black]but I just tried a basic tutorial from an O’Reilly book, and it seems like onData should only be used as an intermediate, after the XML is loaded… :crazy: [/COLOR]

Any help or point in the right direction would be appreciated here guys…

Real PROBLEM is the 5-10 second intermediate lag it takes, for the external XML generator to poll a bunch of CITRIX servers for their terminal availability before rendering out the XML data.