Is it possible to dynamically scale a jpeg that has been loaded into a movieclip as the movieclip is scaled?
For example I have a thumbnail sized movieclip at say 20% of its full size, I need to load a jpeg into this then scale it to 20% to fit and then when this movieclip is clicked both the clip and jpeg scale up to 100% and then back when another is clicked etc…
If it can be done how so?
yup… just tried it in MX… worked… just have to resize the movieClip and all the stuff inside it gets resized…
But I need the clip to scale from a specified corner,
scales small from the top left corner, and grows from the bottom left
How can I specify this, I know that the registration point probably has something to do with this but can it be manipulated in actionscript?
yeah… u can just store the x and y before scaling… then scale it… then move it wherever you want…
The pic always loads at the registration point (top and left point of pic at registration) so you should keep that in mind… cause when u scale it, it always keeps the registration point intact… just inscreases height and width…
(if you were confused by that last badly writted paragraph… I was just saying… the x and y of the movieClip stayed the same before and after scaling)
Uh oh, I am confused.
I have drawn an awesome diagram in Mspaint (all I have access to at the moment I am afraid) Which might help explain what I am on about here (or at least make you laugh) 
I think that I can sort out the movements of the clip but I don’t see how to make the clips grow from the correct corner depending on where it is in the process.
Thanks again.
oki now I get it… that helped 
okay… you can have the code on the mc onclipEvents … that would be easiest… and it would allow you to ease its scaling rather than just change.
I have included a file in the attachment that works… 