Dynamic Sound Fade in/out
Hi, I’m trying to loop a sound with a fade-in in the beginning and fade-out when the user turn off the sound but until now I found only one tutorial that show how to achieve this and the code doesn’t work in my Flash 2004 ActionScript 2 http://www.actionscript.org/tutorials/intermediate/Dynamic_Sound_Fade/index.shtml
I make a search on the forum google everywhere and I can get this work anyone can give me a hand with this please?
Thank you for any help :hugegrin:
Here is the code from the tutorial
// initiate sound
music = new Sound();
music.start(0, 999999);
// set the volume of the sound to zero
// set a variable named 'vol'
vol = 0;
// set another variable named 'fade', putting a setInterval function in it
fade = setInterval(fadeIn, 100);
// set the initial fade in function
function fadeIn() {
// fade the sound in with an increment of 3 in the variable 'vol'
vol += 3;
// put an if condition to restrict the increment in volume after it reaches to 100
if (vol>=100) {
// create the 'step' variable
step = 1;
// create the 'fade' variable
Fade = 0;
// create the fade in and out function
// function executed on onEnterFrame
_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
// set fade out
if (Fade == 1) {
vol = vol-step;
if (vol<0) {
vol = 0;
// set fade in
} else {
vol = vol+step;
if (vol>100) {
vol = 100;
Now, finally, create a button and add this script on it:
on (release) {
(_root.fade=!_root.fade) ? 0 : 1;