Dynamic text box limits?

I put some text in a dynamic textbox and it won’t scroll all the way to the end.
http://www.nienk.nl/firestarterfilms/index2.html under projects.
‘projects’ works fine
‘cabrillo’ highway works fine

But Snakebite doesn’t scroll at all and Room 29 doesn’t go to the end.
Is there a limited amount of text you can put in a textbox?
Is there an explanation for my problem?

  • Nienke

there’s a comunication or maxscroll problem between the scrollbar and the textfield. if the other contents worked, this one will

is the Text you’re loading into the dynamic box HTML? flash can’t parse some HTML tags and will stop displaying after it encounters such issues… check to make sure the HTML is very simple, ie. bold, italic, underline, list (ordered or unordered), image & anchor (links)… umm I can’t think of 'em all right now… there’s a few more…

better to view the source since, some are working. I think tehre is a problem with maxScroll property or event Handling.

well the only thing I can see, is that both texts which fail to sync with the bar appear to be infinite in length… I can’t believe the maxScoll or an event handler which works fine with everything else would all of a sudden crap out on a whim… it’s got to be in the txt file or php reply that’s causing it to bail

that or crappy programming, which would be hard to do with such a simple thing as a scrollbar attached to a dynamic text box (since flash made it almost fool proof)