Dynamic text dont load when is on server

hello: i am lerning action script by my self and i got stock with the following problem,
i got a dinamic text field wich loads text from 2 diferent file.txt with loadVariable, it works fine on my computer but when i upload to server the text wont show up. could anybody help me to sove this?
here is part of the code
info_txt1 is the instance name of my the dynamic text field

if (cont1==“uno”) {
var infoTween:Tween = new new Tween(info_mc,"_x", Strong.easeOut, 1024, 107, 1, true)();
var infoTween2:Tween = new new Tween(info_mc,"_y", Strong.easeOut,620, 125, 1, true)();
var onfoSize:Tween = new Tween (info_mc,"_width", Strong.easeOut, 0, 920, 1, true)();
var onfoSize:Tween = new Tween (info_mc,"_height", Strong.easeOut, 0, 496, 1, true)();
var infoAlpha:Tween = new Tween (info_mc,"_alpha",Strong.easeOut, 0, 100, 1, true)();
cont1 = “dos”;
nombre_txt._visible = false;
mail_txt._visible = false;
mensaje_txt._visible = false;
myForm._visible = false;
loadVariables (“text.txt”,_root.info_mc.info_txt1);
}else {
var infoTweenb:Tween = new new Tween(info_mc,"_x", Strong.easeOut, 107, 1024, 1, true)();
var infoTween2b:Tween = new new Tween(info_mc,"_y", Strong.easeOut,125, 620, 1, true)();
var onfoSizeb:Tween = new Tween (info_mc,"_width", Strong.easeOut, 920, 0, 1, true)();
var onfoSizeb:Tween = new Tween (info_mc,"_height", Strong.easeOut, 496, 0, 1, true)();
cont1 = “uno”;

as i said problem only comes when page is on server, works fine on my computer

thank you very much.