Hello. Got a seriouse problem going on.
I have a flash movie (M1) with an empty MC where I load another movie (M2) . On the loaded movie (M2) I have a dynamic textfield where a .txt file is dynamic loaded. When I test the movie M2 everything works as it should. But when I test M1 and the m2 load , the text does not appear. I can scroll with my scroll bar component though , but I dont see the text. I am sure my text has different color than the background.
What could be wrong?
i’ve had this problem too, its a bug in flash, and i find the easiest way to get around it is to copy a working text, paste it where you want the new one and then alter it from there
yeah flash sometimes gets crazy! …if your dynamic text doesnt show up even there’s no script at all… i mean the dynamic textfiled is just there with some text but refuse to show… change it’s font style and it’s works! =)