Dynamic text field html tags


Issue: dynamic textfield created at runtime with html text doesn’t display bold and italics.

Having the Font symbol in my library with the linkage name “Avenir” :

tf = this.createTextField(‘t’, 0, 0, 0, 100, 300);
tf.html = true;
tf.multiline = true;
tf.wordWrap = true;
tf.autoSize = true;
tf.selectable = false;
tf.embedFonts = true;
txtFormat = new TextFormat();
txtFormat.font = “Avenir”;
txtFormat.leading = 2;
txtFormat.color = 0xFFFFFF;
txtFormat.size = 12;

tf.htmlText = “bla <b>bla</b>”

The textfield totally ignores the bold html tag. The right font is displayed but the html tags are ignored. So if I want one text field to be able to dynamically display bold and italics (html text) using a Font Face in my library…how do I do it? What am I missing?
