I’m trying to create a scrolling text in Flash MX that will go horizontally from side to side of the stage, each scrolling text will be a number of words each separated of each other by a bullet or small circle.
The scrolling text will be a Movie Clip with one single Dynamic text field that will load it’s variables from a .txt document, that dynamic field will duplicate it self as many times as the amount of variables on the .txt document.
So I was thinking that if I created variables using a numbers like 1 = word, 2 = another word ect. To whatever numbers of words I want to be displayed on the scrolling text I could use a script on the first frame that could say something like this. (Dynamic text field has a variable called ticker)
loadVaraibles(TickerText.txt, this)
ticker = 1 + “.”
Now comes the questions
Can flash read more than one variable in a single .txt file? Or it read on and assume that everything else within the file is just part of the first variable?
If this is possible how can I tell flash duplicate this dynamic text field as many times as the amount of variables on this particular .txt file?
I know this all sound really confusing but I hope that some one can understand me and give me some tips to get this to work or maybe make a simple sample of it and upload it on my server so I can see how can this be done.