Dynamic text in buttons?

i would like to create a model-button which i can use several times. the textline should come from a variable…

see Array (object), for and MovieClip.attachMovie in the actionscript dictionary :wink: =)

you can use something like that:

  • make a mc, place a button inside this mc.
  • add one layer for actions and one layer for the dynamic txt box, on this mc, on top of the button layer.
  • select the dynamic text box and on properties panel write label on the var field.
  • on the actions layer pplace this code:

there! now you have a generic button that will have the text matching his instance name.

for the actions on these buttons you can use something like that:
on (press){

wow :!:

that is nice kax!

thanks =) :stuck_out_tongue:

but assuming he’s just started with flash… yours is easier to understand :wink: =)

thanks to you guys. i will work with your examples…
and you are right kax, i’m just starting with flash, but hope to give it back to the community someday what i get from you guys…

but one more question: so it’s not possible to add a dynamic textfield to an ordinary macrom. button in each frame?

thanks again…

yeah, you can. =)

but now that mx allows you to have mouse events [size=1]onPress onRelease onReleaseOutside onRollOut onRollOver onDragOut onDragOver[/size] in movie clips… it’s more practical [size=1]at least for me[/size] use movie clips instead of buttons :wink:

so i worked around with your scripts and there both really fine.
kax script is nice, but i have already so much functions to my buttons that i will use it somewhere else…
[COLOR=blue]Guig0s[/COLOR] script works fine, but unfortunately i have to use the instance name for a mouseover script (see: http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=18263)
maybe you have a hint to solve this problem??? would be fantastic…
thanks a lot…:hangover:

well you can assign the label to a variable instead of the clip´s _name.

something like:

label = buttonName;
instead of
[AS]label = this._name

and on main stage you place this code:
_root.button1.buttonName= home;
_root.button2.buttonName= portfolio;

where button1, button2… is the instance name of your buttons.

got it?

thank you very very much!!!

np dude :wink:

glad to help =)