Dynamic text in typewriter effect

Is it possible to increase the space between characters typed in the AS below? Doing it in the text panel of the letter mc breaks the effect.

function typewriter(target:MovieClip, delay:Number):Void {
 target.interval = function() {
  target._visible = true;
  keyHit.start(0, 1);
 target.intervalID = setInterval(target, "interval", delay);
 target._visible = false;
function placeText(target:MovieClip, x:Number, y:Number, banner:String, tFormat:TextFormat):Void {
 // For each character...
 for (var i = 0; i<banner.length; i++) {
  // Create a clip and place the current
  // character of the text field inside it.
  var char:MovieClip = target.attachMovie("letter", "char"+i, target.getNextHighestDepth());
  char.field.text = banner.substr(i, 1);
  char._x = x;
  char._y = y;
  // Add the width of the current text character to the
  // next letter's x position.
  x += tFormat.getTextExtent(char.field.text).width;
  // Here is the effect call.
  var timer = i*200+Math.round(Math.random()*200);
  typewriter(char, timer);
var keyHit = new Sound(this);
var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
format.font = "Arial";
format.size = 24;
placeText(this, 145, 40, "typewriter text here", format);