How do I link to another frame from a dynamic text?
what exactly are you trying to do more info would be helpfull
Use the asfunction protocol.
Run a search for asfunction in this section of the forum, you’ll find a couple of threads on how to use it.
well im not sure if this will work or not, but i dont see any reason it shouldnt?
in your dynamic text’s properties box, select the little button that looks like this " <>" to render the text as html…then you need to add a url tag around your linked text that looks something like this:
<a href=“” target=“frameNameHere”>link text</a>
that should do it.
For html framesets (edited from previous post)
In your flash document, set your text to dynamic in properties, select the “<>” option (html), then add your URL. Next choose your target frame which would NOT be one of those listed options like _self, etc. but the name you gave to the target frame when you created your frameset: like “kirupa” for example (as in the frames tutorial ) Enter this name in the target field. This will cause the link in one frame to open in another frame.
I might have misunderstood the question… I thought he wanted to go to another frame in the Flash movie!
…Or maybe I did understand and you all got it wrong? :bad:
I just want to jump to that frame on the timeline, not open any website.
I have named the frame now but dont know how to link to it.
Kode was right =)
I knew it!!
Ok… only because I was right, I’ll tell you exactly what to do.
Create a dynamic TextField, check Render text as HTML and give it an instance name in the Properties Panel.
Go to the Frame actions and paste this code:
[AS]TextFieldInstanceName.htmlText = “<a href=‘as****function:gotoAndPlay,frameNumberOrLabelHere’>go to frame X</a>”;[/AS]
Replace TextFieldInstanceName with the instance name given to your TextField, and frameNumberOrLabelHere with the frame number or label.
Or create a static TextField, and paste this code in the URL link field in the Properties Panel:
Obviously, you can replace gotoAndPlay with gotoAndStop depending on what you want to do. =)
Thanks for the clarity: frames, links, dynamic text…it all starts to blur…
…It was clear enough for me.
yeah!! it works, i modified your code a little so it seems like this now:
_root.spela = ‘<a href=“asfunction:gotoAndStop,spelet”>Spela</a>’;
Yeah, the forum messed up the code a bit… it’s fixed now. =)
oops…so that i misunderstand ya…but nice technique kode…i didnt know that! thanx.
No problem, blackpulp. =)