Dynamic text on buttons using XML

as the title says I have a line of text coming from xml to be placed on buttons, however there is 3 lines of text and I want to be able to put a new line in to the text somehow

I’ve tried the old javascript /n & even
(can never remember what way it is) but ActionScript just puts is as one continous line of text on the button for instance rather than this

Sterling Corp
Dec 2005

I get

Sterling Corp
Foundation Dec

anyone know what a carriage return in Actionscript is?

(please don’t tell me about multiline and wrap cause thats not an option, from 3 lines the 2nd line is one word long)

example of the XML

<interview name=“Streling Corp Foundation Dec 2005” />

I tried

<interview name=“Streling Corp Foundation
Dec 2005” />

but it didn’t work, any helps appreciated :cool: