Dynamic text, PHP, setInterval

Hi Folks,

I’m trying to combine dynamic text from a PHP file into a Flash movie. The plan is to have a sequence of 4 different strings displayed in the dynamic text boxes delayed by using setInterval (or a better delay mechanism if anyone can suggest one). If I do this:

var txtData = new LoadVars();

txtData.onLoad = function(success){
var Delay = setInterval(txtDelay, 10000);

function txtDelay() {
for (i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
Verse.text = txtData.v*;
Chapter.text = txtData.c*;


I get “undefined” in the Flash text fields. The variables in the PHP text file are v1 thru v4 and c1 thru c4. If, after LoadVars, the specific variables are identified like this:

Verse.text = txtData.v1
Chapter.text = txtData.c1

The correct text displays. That says the LoadVars is working correctly, right? But for scrolling through the sequence I’ve tried various methods – do/while, for, if – with degrees of failure ranging from massive to total. Please help point a new ActionScripter in the right direction. Thanks.