Wondering if anyone knows about this. I want ta add dynamic text to a movie clip, but it seems that though it will work( appear) when in the movie clip, placing the clip within a larger movie causes the dynamic text to not appear. I assume its loading simply because if i remove the .txt file its supposed to read from, i get and error, put it back and no error. so its just a matter of the text not “appearing” on screen. Can anyone help me out with this…?:-\
PS: Im “TOTALLY” new to web stuff, and flash even more so. My first flash movie is truning out pretty good, its for a gaming mod group that i am part of, and must thank the Kipura folks for the great tutorials that got my brain to spinning and finding new ways to use some of the tricks they show in the tutorials…thanx!
YoungMaster… it is usually easier if you post your file so we can go through it and find where the problem may lie…
I can tell you that once you are addressing movie clips from within a different movie clip, the addressing is different. I just posted a solution for someone else today on the same thing.
in your normal MC you do… gotoandplay(5).
when controlling from a different MC you do… mc.gotoandplay(5)
not much to upload: Im just trying to create a symbol( movieclip), and within this symbol put a dynamic text box. then place this symbol into a larger movie. Im new with the coding stuff, but getting the hang of it, though I havent yet figured out how to write the commands using the “.”