Dynamic text

Hello there! =)

Oki, here goes, I have a input textbox, and below this box I would like to have a dynamic textbox that “duplicates” whats written in the inputbox!

For example, when you type your name in the input box, the dynamic text box would follow, at the same time!

How can this be done!?

Thats simple!! Have the same variable name in the property inspector for both of them.

Hope this helps!!

hehe… of course! THX m8! :slight_smile:

For example:
make the variable name of the input box “input”
and make the variable name of the dynamic box “follower”
now you can make a 2-frame-loop or assign the actions to a movieclip.
if you assign the following actions to a movieclip then it should look something like this:

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
_root.follower = _root.input;

To make a 2-frame-loop assign the actions:

_root.follower = _root.input;

to the first frame of your movie and make a new keyframe in frame to! and that’s it!

i wanted to answer this now:

enter_btn.onRelease = function() {
  output1.text = input1.text;

