Got a problem with dynamic textfield length.I have a flash movie which is loading text from an external text file.I have drag the dynamic text field and make its width equal to the movie length(say:550pxl) so that it covers the entire stage.I have given motion tween to this dynamic single line text field .So, that whatever the content is there in the external textfile will scroll from left to right.Now for a single line it is ok,but if there are lot of content which would exceed one line length then what to do?So, I need a script so that, the length of the singleline-textfield would be dynamically changed with the textlength,the content of which is being updated from an external file using the LoadVariable syntax.I am using Flash5.
If u guys know any tutorial regarding this please let me know.
It usually helps with the more complicated questions if you provide some sort of source code so someone can look at it themselves… Just copy it and take out anything else that you don’t want viewed yet.
Im not sure I’ll be able to figure it out but beta or electrongeek will know what to do. (I guess I should make sure to mention Kel as he always seems to pull me out of the river)
I use Flash MX, so I am not sure how this kind of thing works in Flash 5.
But from what it sounds like… why don’t you just set your dynamic text boxes property to Multiline instead of single line?
This way if it needs more than one line, it will take it.